Monday, March 2, 2009

The 10 minutes question.

To what extent should we be concerned about Carbon Dioxide emissions?

We should be very concerned about carbon dioxide emissions because it would cause dire consequences on Earth and living things. Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas. Hence, when too much of it is emitted into the atmosphere, the amount of greenhouse gases increases. Greenhouse gases trap heat on earth causing the average temperature all around the globe to increase.

This will result in the melting of ice caps in the south and North Pole. When the ice bergs melt, the animals living there will lose their natural habitat. One good example would be the polar bears. Polar bears need ice to live on. They need to come ashore on ice to hunt and rest. Hence when most of the ice bergs melt, they have no choice but to keep swimming in water looking for another ice berg. When they cannot find one and they become too tired after swimming for long hours, they will all drown. This would cause extinction of several species like the polar bear.

When more ice melt, the water level of oceans and seas would increase and low lying beautiful cities like Bangkok and Venice would be submerged under water. The beautiful monuments and tourists attractions there would disappear and the people living there would have to move to another country or city. Also, when the average global temperature increases, sensible heat would be higher and there would be an increased chance of getting heat stroke.

All these effects are caused by too much carbon dioxide emitted. It will cause extinction of animals and disrupt the food chain. It will also cause changes to human beings and their lifestyles. Hence, we should be very concerned about carbon dioxide emissions.

I read on the internet that currently, the oceans and land absorbs half the amount of carbon dioxide emitted by human beings. It acts as a carbon basin and absorbs carbon dioxide. Some scientist predict that the oceans and land would continue to absorb even more carbon dioxide in the future. However, some scientitsts disagree and predicts that when it reaches a certain limit, the oceans and land will not be able to keep up with the ever increasing amounts of carbon dioxide emission.

A simple reason based on the oceans is because the organism that absorbs carbon dioxide in the oceans are mostly the plants when they need carbon dioxide for photosynthesis. I agree that with the increased concentration of carbon dioxide in the oceans, rate of photosynthesis would increase too!However, they can only increase to a certain limit as it is now affected by other factors such as metabolic reactions in the plant, water, nutrients availibility etc.

done by: JIAYI!


  1. Haha finally the blog's been updated! :D

    I think the polar bears and other flora and fauna becoming extinct are the most innocent victims. They had nothing to do with all these problems, and are paying the consequences for that. Even if we humans have to suffer, I guess, to a certain extent, we deserve it.

    Hui Ying.

  2. @ HuiYing: It really sounds like MI Hui Ying. But yes, I agree with you that they are innocent and they should be protected.
    And anout Jia Yi post, I think this is an excellent post. Good job Jia.
    We should be concerned about carbon emission also because of the fact the green technology is not widely apllied in all area such as industry area. In addition, as many factories owners only care about the profit of the production, they can ignore the fact that they have to refine waste before it can be disposed to the environment. One example can be the Vedan company in VN :D

  3. heyy, that was me, An btw. :D

  4. I heard from radio that scientists believe that carbon dioxide has increased the acidity of the ocean, thereby threatening the living of some marine vegetations, thus further reduce ocean's ability of absorbing co2.
    It's like a positive feedback loop.....

    commented by Cao Li

  5. Great post Jiayi, you explained clearly about the importance of Carbon Emission. Though, I don't really agree with Polar Bears need ice to live on. They just need the cold temperature, snow and water. Ice don't really affect them. However, as Carbon Emission increases, Global Warming would occur, and the temperature would drop. Hence, affecting not only the animals in Artic and Antarctica, but every single one of us!

