Thursday, June 25, 2009


yes, so what exactly did I learn about afforestation and deforestation affecting the shape of the storm hydrograph, based on the water balance equation? Allow me to give an outdated post dedicated to it. =D

Note: In case you forgot aboutit, the water balance equation is:

P (Precipitation) = Q (Total streamflow) + E (Evapotranspiration) + (change in) Storage in bedrock and soil

(If its a whole lot of jargon, then you are not 08ip06.)

1. Afforestation

Q decreases: Due to the presence of more trees, interception increases and reduces the amount of water available in the system. This is also due to the fact that the infiltration capacity of the water increasing, and more water can be absorbed into the soil.

As such,

S increases.

E increases: As there are more trees in the area, there are more leaf coverage over the water flowing. Hence, evaporation levels are reduced. Secondly, due to the presence of trees, transpiration occurs at a higher rate.

2. Deforestation

Q increases: This is due to the fact that there is a lack of trees and agriculture in the area, and these actually allow the water to seep into the soil, reducing the amount of water that reaches the river. Hence, in the absence of tress and agriculture, it allows overland flow to occur, allowing the water to reach the river faster. Thus, Q increases. =D

E decreases: (refer to above)

S decreases: This is due to the fact that water takes a longer time to permeate into the soil, reducing the infiltration capacity of the soil and reducing the amount of water that will enter the soil and stored.

So there you go! =D

-marcus (17) JH406

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